Plymouth Mass House Painters

Waterfront Walking in Plymouth

Plymouth House PaintersSuch a beautiful tourist and historic town you will find in Plymouth, Mass. Loaded with restaurants, historical landmarks, hundreds of ponds, parks, and beaches. You will never find yourself bored in this town unless, of course, you enjoy boredom. In addition to all of these, there are also many walking trails in Plymouth. One of the most popular is a waterfront trail that begins at the historic Jenny Grist Mill and continues through Brewster Garden, along the waterfront, and ends after four miles by Cordage Park in North Plymouth. As you walk along this pathway, you are treated to history, culture, and the aroma of the sea. Many restaurants line the waterfront here also. Obviously, there are many seafood restaurants including the ever popular Lobster Hut. Of course, there are always options. If you do not want to savor some seafood, check out some great Greek chow at Anna’s.

Plymouth Home Painting

Along the historic section of town, you will enjoy some lovely homes and inns. There are homes of all styles and construction dating back to the early to mid-1600s. As in most historic towns, there are strict guidelines from the zoning boards as to color and design. The house painting in town is strictly enforced in terms of which exterior house paint colors can be used. It may seem a bit intrusive, however, if not controlled to some degree, a historic town can easily lose its authenticity to a specific era.

So, come to this fun, beautiful town in Massachusetts when on your way to Cape Cod or Boston and take in some memorable moments.
